Together We Can!


Today was Group 3's last say teaching, and they ended it beautifully ! The students worked in groups and received the following instructions "You will be given a group in which you belong to.  Each group has a specific cause that they are in support of. Your task is to support your cause with valid reasons, while answering the prompt you are given.  Each group must answer the prompt while following the checklist." Once they received their task, the students were given jobs to do such as " presenter,facilitator,scribe,material manager, mediator, and time keeper". Each group was then given a folder with all of their materials they needed in it. The different groups were Abolitionists, Women's Rights Activists, Cherokee Native Americans, Factory Workers, and Chickasaw Native Americans. The students were also given a choice on how they wanted to present their information which included ; Song/Rap ( Which EVERYONE CHOSE), Poem, Poster, Postcard, Brochure, Tell a story, or journal entry. I learned that students really love to make songs/raps through this experience! While each group was presenging, the students who were at the desks filled out an evaluation form and a self -evaluation! After the presentation, students wrote an article in the "newspaper" about what they learned through their presentations.
