Today Group 4 conducted their inquiry based lesson, great job group!
The students were then split into 4 groups with one teacher at each group. The groups were Stephen Austin, James Marshall, Sam Houston, and James K Polk.The teachers handed out Graphic Organizers for the students to use during their research. A biography research graphic organizer is a visual display that is used to depict the relationships between facts, terms and/or ideas within a learning task. They form a powerful visual picture of the information and this allows the mind to discover patterns and relationships it otherwise may have missed. It uses visual symbols to convey meaning. Its purpose is to facilitate learning by presenting the most complete picture of all the available facts and the potential relationships that could develop among them. The students began their WebQuests on the iPads and had 20 minutes to do so. Once the timer went off, the students decided within their groups which major accomplishment they will share with the entire class. After the discussion, the sharing began and it went great!After the students did their research they wrote a biography about who they did their research on.
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