Inqirury Day , Hurray!

A Growing Nation

Taught by: Miss Kilduff, Miss Nicolini, Miss Reina, Miss Rosengrant, and Miss Zaccaria

Today was group 3's inquiry lesson and they did a wonderful job; I was happy too see that Petunia the panda has made her return!  The teachers started off with the classroom rules of course, and added a new one stating  all group members must participate in some way. This was a great idea to add a new rule since it is a new type of lesson. The behavior management and call and response was also readdressed ad well as a WordArt for pre assessment. Petunia the panda then introduced a task to the class which stated "One day, Petunia the Panda was getting ready to write biographies on some of the people of the growing nation. She woke up to find that her library had been completely flooded by a storm. All her books were ruined!! Petunia needs Ms. V's fifth grade class to help her do some research because her power is out from the storm. She knows you all have access to iPads.  So she sent the teachers a letter to ask for your help. Are you willing to help Petunia?". The students were then placed into five groups, one for each teacher to facilitate.  Group one will be researching Frederick Douglass Group two will be researching Andrew Jackson Group three will be researching Elizabeth Cady Stanton Group four will be researching Sojourner Truth Group five will be researching Samuel Slater.The students then completed a WebQuest in order to help out Petunia. This is the link to their WebQuest used !! A WebQuest is a WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites. The students completed this on an i-Pad which they LOVE using! While going through the WebQuest, the students filled out a " History Hunt" including the name of the person their researching, where/ where they were born, when they died and an interesting fact.   After the WebQuest, the students wrote their findings in a letter to Petunia!
