group two cooperative lesson

Today was Group 1 Conducted their last and final lesson ! Congratulations ladies you are DONE and you did a fabulous job !! The group started off with a classic video from schoolhouse rock about the preamble! Because Collaborative lessons are about working in teams, they then had the students do a choral reading of the TEAMS slide as i posted below! Choral reading is reading aloud in unison with a whole class or group of students. Choral reading helps build students' fluency, self-confidence, and motivation. The teachers then sent the students to their groups where they were instructed to create poems. Grops 1 and 3 wrote about the Constitutional Convention and 2 and 4 wrote a Bill of Rights for their classroom. The teachers gave the students 15 minutes to work on the posters, and they gave them a 2 min warning to let them know when they should be wrapping up their thoughts.

The students then presented their posters and this was my FAVORITE PART! oh my goodness the students did such a great job, i was so proud of them ! While the groups were presenting, the students who were at their desks filled out a peer evaluation.
After this activity, it was time for independent practice and the students answered questions because they were " getting interviewed by a magazine". A self reflection followed this activity and then some fun facts about the Constitution were read. This was my favorite lesson group one conducted ! Next week is my groups turn and i am so nervous yet excited to teach !!! 


  1. Meg I agree with you that group one did a great job. I also really enjoyed when the groups got to present because the teacher candidates did a great job facilitating the students' learning !


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