Group Ones Direct Instruction !

Today, Group One held their Direct Instruction lesson, Great job ladies ! I always think it's tough to be the first group to go so BRAVO ! Group one taught about the "formation of a new nation" and taught about the Constitution,  Branches of Government, Bill of Rights and more.They also provided a note sheet so students can follow along with the powerpoint and fill in the missing word. They also had an American Flag in the corner to remind the students that they have something to fill in on that particular page. For Behavior Management, The teachers used the Student Vs. Teachers Game , and used American flags as well. I'm always a fan of the Student vs. Teachers game and will definitely be implementing it into my future classroom. For Guided Practice, the students built a timeline; Each group received two key terms that were placed on time timeline. Together, the students had to discuss what happened on that particular day and place the correct term on the timeline. For independent practice, The students had an exit ticket which contained multiple choice and true or false questions. For the conclusion, students wrote  one thing students learned, one thing they didn't understand, and one thing they still have a question about. Once the students were done, they put their sticky note on the poster board. To conclude the lesson, the teachers counted up the points each side earned during the student vs teacher game. I cant wait to see what they have in store for next week!! 
