Possibilities Are Endless With Voki!

The first assignment given to us was to create a Digital Me Project! I am familiar with this  " About Me Project " because I completed one last semester in Science Methods class as well. The digital tool I chose was Voki! Through VOKI, you can create a speaking avatar with different backgrounds, clothing, and looks.  There are three types of Voki;Presenter, Teach and Classroom ( these three cost money, regular Voki is free). This is a great tool to keep students interested in what your teaching. This also can be used to introduce an activity, problem, or project to the class.  Students can use Voki to present research by writing a script with their findings and sharing it via Voki character ; Teachers can use Voki to present students with information or review content ! More ideas include, Voki autobiographies, who am i and more!!!  They also work great to give instructions in centers!  A link to my Voki will be placed below, Don't forget to comment :)

Link to my voki:About Me !


  1. I really enjoyed your Voki! Not only did it give me a significant amount of information about you, but it gave me classroom ideas. I never would have thought to use Voki as a way to teach autobiographies or as a way to write a script and present it. These ideas will definitely be incorporated into my future classroom.


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