Day One of S.S. Methods

Social studies is defined by the American National Council for Social Studies as "the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.

           Hello everyone! Today was the first class of Social Studies Methods!  I immediately noticed there were many familiar faces in the class, but also many new ones! To be honest, I felt a bit nervous being myself in front of the new students, but i know we will be great friends by mid-semester! This course definitely has a way of bringing people together! I feel so much more confident than I did walking into this course than Science Methods! I already know what to expect and how things are done in Dr.Smirnovas method classes. I'm ready and eager to learn about new technologies  and techniques to incorporate into SS classes. I know I will be confronted with ample information this semester but it is all well worth it! I can honestly say I have incorporated numerous " Smirnovaisms" into my life.

         Today in class, we conducted a think-pair-share about Social Studies teachers in the class, the definition of SS and more.  We got into groups and shared answers to questions Dr. Smirvnova posed. Our group's name was Social Studies Squad! I believe Dr.Smirnova conducted this lesson to show us how effective collaborative learning is for students! I learned so much by sharing with my group, so I know students will learn new information in small groups as well. 

   Overall, today was a great first day back to Dr.Smirnovas methods class. I intend on staying on top of my assignments, and asking as many questions as possible to make sure information is clear. As I stated earlier, im excited and ready to learn about new technologies and websites to use in the classroom. I'm also happy to be able to work on my public speaking skills ! Have a great semester everyone :)
